Business Operating Permit

Business Operating Permit

It is expected that every business within Wassa Amenfi West  Municipal Assembly’s jurisdiction obtains a Business Operation Permit.

As the name sounds, a Business operating permit is a license that enables you to undertake/do business in the Municipal.

In order to fast track the process of acquiring a Business Operating Permit and do business with ease within the Wassa Amenfi West Municipal, the Assembly has put in the following measures in place:

Checklist for Processing a Business Operating Permit

  • The Individual/Corporate organization must produce Registrar General Business Certificate/Certificate Of Incorporation
  • Must have a Tax Identification number (TIN)
  • Name of Business
  • Name of Business Owner
  • Business Location (GPS location)/Address
  • Contact Detail.
  • Must provide Copies of relevant document on Operations: This include:
    • Bank of Ghana Certification for Financial Institution
    • Works and Housing Certification for Contractors
    • Mineral Commission permit for Mining operations.
    • EPA Certification for Industrial Services
    • Ghana Standard Board Certification
    • Ghana Tourism Certification


After providing copies of relevant documents above, the company business will be taken through a business registration process at the Municipal Revenue Office  by filling a new business registration form using the details on the above document provided.

After the registration and payment the company is given a receipt and business certificate.