In the continuous search for solution to the problem of malnutrition in its various forms. The women group (Gari processes) at Agyeikrom expressed of the need to improve the nutritive quality of local food through better processing and enrichment. Gari (processed cassava meal with soya beans).
Fresh cassava
Soya beans
Plastic containers
A freshly harvested cassava was acquired from the farm of the FBOS (Women group).cassava was peeled with a knife wash with clean water and then grated, using grating machine.
The cassava mash was immediately put into a clean poly sack and left over-night to allow for fermentation and drainage of excess liquid content.
On the next day the bagged mash was put into a mash press to further drain the excess liquid over a period of two days.
The stone and foreign material were sorted out of the soya beans to improve its quality.
The soyabeans were roasted in an aluminum bowl about 15 minutes. The burnt soybeans were removed to avoid the product testing bitter the soybeans were sent for milling into flour. Cassava mash and soybeans flour was mixed in a bowl by sieving to it fine mixture.
The gari roasted was put on fire to heat for about 5 minute cooking oil was applied to grease the roaster to prevent the gari from burning, the gari mix were roasted about 15 minutes and collected after each was found crispy.
Below are some of the pictures of the training.